Ksharsutra Karma

Know More About Ano Rectal Dieases
There are some diseases which are a real challenge, not only for the patient to endure but for the doctor to treat. Amongst them is anal fistula, where a channel is formed between the end of the bowel ( rectum or anal canal ) and the surrounding skin. The fortunate ones are affected with a simple fistula, however, the condition is often complicated with multiple interlinked channels and distant openings. These include recto-inguinal, recto-vaginal, ano-scrotal fistulas which are extremely troublesome.
A number of treatment options are available and thus there is always an ongoing debate about which one outmatches the other. Here we will have a look at
Kshar Sutra
, an age-old Ayurveda technique that has its origin in India.
The technique has been used since then, albeit modified with developing times. It makes the use of Seton – cotton thread impregnated with layers of medicinal plant extracts ( latex ). It takes about 4 weeks to prepare the Kshar Sutra. Other than fistula, it is also used for the treatment of other anorectal conditions like hemorrhoids, sentinel piles, polyps, warts and pilonidal sinus.
How does this ancient technique work in fistula-in-ano?
The Kshar Sutra is placed in the fistulous tract after giving appropriate anesthesia and both its ends are tied together. It is replaced at weekly intervals. The Kshar sutra remains in direct contact of the tract and, therefore, it physically and chemically curettes out the tract and sloughs out its lining, thereby allowing it to collapse and heal.
Benefits of Ksharsutra :
Kshar Sutra Therapy cures Ano-Rectal Therapy via Surgery-Free operations. It is a safe, sure and cost effective method of treatment for fistula-in-ano, haemorrhoids and other sinus diseases. In this technique, a specially prepared thread (Kshar Sutra) is used to cure diseases. Kshar Sutra acts by "Herbal Chemical Cauterisation" and removes the disease from the body.
Benefits of the Ksharsutra Therapy:
- Kshar sutra Therapy in respect of its action as Excision, Incision, Debridement,Cauterization,Haemostatic & ultimately healing of the wound have definite advantage over the existing method of surgery.
- Minimum trauma and no loss of tissue
- The process of cutting and healing occurs simultaneously resulting of minimal scar.
- The process of Debridement & Healing starts from deeper tssue travels towards periphery in stages hence the chance of recurrence is negligible.
- No bleeding in Kshar Sutra therapy as Kshar sutra acts as Haemostatic agent
- Only local anesthesia is required.
- The patients are fully ambulatory and can perform their routine activities
- Minimum hospitalization is required.
- No need of dressing after operation.
- It is a cost-effective operative procedure .
- Finally it can be concluded that Kshar-sutra therapy comes under minimal invas ive surgery without complications like blood loss, incontinence, reccurence and without any side effects.
Karma Treatment at Sandeepni Ayurvedic Chikitsalayam :
Sandeepni Ayurveda Chikitsalayam, Palampur HP provides Ksharsutra treatment from last 20 years.We have team of very very experienced anorectal experts having practical experience of 50 and 20 years respectively. Vaid Sukesh Chand is well known among Ayurvedic faculty starting Ksharsutra procedure public sector in Himachal Pradesh at Paprola Ayurvedic College . We treat following conditions effectively with 99% success rate with Ksharsutra.
1) Piles ( bleeding or non bleeding)
2) Anal Fissures
3) Fistula
4) Pilonidal Sinus
5) Breast Abscess
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