विभिन्न प्रकार के नशों की तलब को कम करने के लिए लाभदायक। नशा मुक्ति के कारण उपजे तनाव व अन्य लक्षण को शांत करने में सहायक। निद्रा जनक व नाड़ी वेदना नाशक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि।
Multi‐drug formulation for the De‐addiction of alcohol and other addictions and various type of nerve pains.
Ingredients in DeALCO Tablet act as:
• Helps pacify the hyper‐excited, agitated mind (manodvega), and nerves • Helps reduce the craving for the addic????on drugs – alcohol, opiates, prescription drugs, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine (Vyasan‐hara) • Helps reduce the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms (Vyasan‐muktija kashta‐nivarak)
Ingredients :
Tagar Ext 400 mg
Jatiphal Ext 350 mg
Parseek yavani 45 mg
Rakta Marich 5 mg
• Adults: Start 1 tablet, 3 times a day. Observe the response for a few days / weeks. In case the response is slow / less than desired, raise the dose gradually to 2 tablets, 3 times a day. On getting desired results, taper off the dose to a minimum maintenance dose. Continue the maintenance dose until needed. • To be taken just after meals, with plain water.
• Avoid in pregnancy, lactation, children below 12 years. • Avoid in severe HT, tachycardias. • Avoid in patients hyper‐sensitive to any of the ingredients. Avoid in addicts / patients whose condition worsens after using the medicine.
Available as:
Pouch containing (60 tablets).
Motivated Patients who want to leave different addicted substances can start this medicine...