To prevent gout
To prevent gout, it is essential to maintain good eating habits and have proper medication. To reduce the uric acid levels in blood, you may need to limit intake of alcohol, sugary foods and reduce purine rich foods like meat, poultry, seafood and pulses. Vegetables such as cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, peas and mushroom also contain a lot of purines. Digestion of purine leads to the formation of uric acid. If uric acid is not eliminated normally which is seen in gout sufferers, it can build up in the blood stream leading to joint inflammation and pain.
- Amogh Pharmaceuticals introduce – Amoric Capsule for the treatment of Gout and to bring Down the elevated level of Uric Acid
- Amoric Capsule – Strengthenes immune system and detoxifies the entire System
- AmoricCapsule – A Nature’s way to bring down the Uric Acid level.
- Amoric Capusle – It removes excess body fluid and toxins including URIC ACIS through kidney.
- Gout
- Uric Acid
- Inflammatory conditions
- Or As directed by the Physician
Key Ingredient:-
- Gokshuradi Guggul
- Punarnavadi Mandoor
- Bichubuti (Urtica piluifera)
- Giloy ( Tinospora cordifolia)
Available Pack :-
10x10 Capsule box
2 Cap 2-3 times or thrice a day or as directed by physician
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